Our faith community has a diverse range of understanding of:
- who and what God is
- the humanity and divinity of Jesus Christ
- how the Holy Spirit moves in our lives
- how the Bible informs our decisions and behaviour in this modern world
- that there are many paths to God
What do we do?
- We sing and pray together
- We help the hungry and homeless through a variety of monthly programs
- We care for one another, we laugh & cry together, we love one another
- We offer worship services at local retirement homes
- We gather together for fun events – movie & games nights, carolling, men’s & ladies nights out, quilting, bible study & other learning opportunities
- We meet occasionally with our Muslim brothers and sisters in faith who pray in our building each Friday afternoon and during Ramadan
Good Food Box Program
The Good Food Box makes top-quality, fresh food available in a way that does not stigmatize people, fosters community development and promotes healthy eating.
Grocery Card Fundraiser Program
A great way to benefit Symons Valley United Church in maintaining its programming.
Helping The Clients at The Drop-In Centre
Join us as we meet at The Drop In Centre to serve breakfast before church worship service. Please contact Vicki McPhee if you are interested in being a part of the breakfast serving crew!
Sandwich Making
On Communion Sundays the congregation of SVUC gathers together to make sandwiches for The Drop-In Centre