Sandwich Making

Each month, September to June, we make approximately 400 sandwiches for the Calgary Drop-In Centre. These sandwiches are used in the lunches for the DI patrons who have jobs. Sandwich making is funded by the congregation in a separate, loose-change offering that is collected during the service Sandwich Sundays. All members of the congregation are invited to help make sandwiches following worship. It takes about 20 minutes. It is enjoyable to work together to do our part in helping others. The Sandwich coordinator, David Ward, is responsible for buying all the supplies, setting up the room, supervising the sandwich making, cleanup, and delivery of the sandwiches to the Drop-In Centre.

If you are interested in getting involved or have questions, email David at

Sandwich Sundays in 2020:

  • January 12
  • February 2
  • March 8
  • April 12
  • May 3
  • June 14