Sermon Series Mystics of our Faith – Julian of Norwich

Symons Valley United Church 38 Kincora Rise NW, Calgary

APRIL Sermon Series Mystics of our Faith Christian mysticism might sound like a complex term, but it’s about finding a deep, personal connection with the divine beyond traditional religious practices. It’s about experiencing God’s presence firsthand and allowing that experience to transform you. Let’s explore the lives of four remarkable individuals who delved into these

Sandwich Making Sunday following Church

Symons Valley United Church 38 Kincora Rise NW, Calgary

Sandwich Making Sunday is our Monthly Outreach Project for the Calgary Drop in Center. Each Sandwich Sunday over 400 sandwiches will made and donated to the Calgary Drop In Center. Please join us following Worship and work with other church volunteer to make the sandwiches. Sandwich Sunday is a project of the Symons Valley United